Heard Photography Club Presidents

Historical records are not clear about dates and tenure, but this is a list of all those who have served as president in the decades that the club has been around.

  • Ramona Putman

  • Dot McCalpin

  • Barbara Stone

  • Rob Hull

  • Jim Ross

  • Ron Marabito

  • Peter Gilbert

  • Anita Oakley

  • Elisabeth Shore

  • Doug Boone

Jim Ross, Rob Hull, Peter Gilbert, and Ron Marabito - All past presidents of the Heard Nature Photographers Club.

(L to R) Jim Ross, Rob Hull, Peter Gilbert, and Ron Marabito - All past presidents of the Heard Nature Photographers Club.

Dot McCalpin (Dec 20, 1924 - June 13, 2011) served as the club’s second president.

Dot McCalpin (Dec 20, 1924 - June 13, 2011) served as the club’s second president.